How We Met
Peter McKinnon
You may read what we’re about to say as a confession, given the current state of the internet. But it’s not. It’s just a fact. Ready?
We are optimists.
[Pauses for gasps.]
Our experience with digital tools is, of course, rooted in design. There’s an intimacy to it. Just us and a trackpad, trying to create something good. But the difference between the modern man’s tool and the stone man’s tool is that after we create something, we can use that same tool to share it with the world.
And we think that can be a good thing.
It has allowed us to connect with cool folks from every corner of the world. Folks like Peter McKinnon.
Before Misc. Goods was even a company, and before Peter McKinnon was a famous cinematographer, there was Tyler Deeb designing playing cards, and Peter McKinnon doing magic. When we launched our first kickstarter back in 2012, Peter actually reached out to us as a supporter.
Peter had the same sort of outlaw logic we had about aesthetics. And we connected over it. If you’re going to carry something around all day, it should look good. Feel good in your hand. Provide an ounce of appreciation in your daily life.
Since then, we’ve kept in touch over the years. Misc. Goods became a growing company. Peter McKinnon became not just a name, but a huge brand. Our relationship has remained rooted in the same seed it sprouted from. A mutual appreciation from afar.
And we have the internet to thank for that.
Peter’s a big fan of our wallet, and even included it in his list of things he can’t live without.
Now, all these years later, Peter reached out to see if we’d be interested in creating some goods with him. And when Peter McKinnon asks you to collaborate on a project, you accept the opportunity without hesitation. It’s that simple. You don’t need to ask the questions that usually present themselves during a partnership because Peter has answered those questions over the course of his career. His approach is unique. His attention to detail is unparalleled. And his transparent dedication to being good is undeniable.
Introducing: the Misc. Goods x Pete’s Pirate Life Collection
We decided to base the design, not just for the coin, but for all the PPL x MGCO products, around the talk Tyler did for Creative Morning in 2015.
Work is hard.
Work is good.
And at times, because of the pressure to be seen and understood, work can be torturous.
The mantra “Don’t Chase the Glory, Work Hard and Be Satisfied” came to Tyler as he was reflecting on his development as a young designer. Struggling to find rest, confidence, and balance. After many years of rehearsing this phrase, it has held up.
Work is inherently good and real satisfaction comes from being thankful.
Now, Peter has a 45mm solid brass coin to remind him of that.

PPL x MGCO Slim Wallet
Since Peter’s been a fan of our slim wallets for some time now (and quite frankly, obsessed with trying different wallets), we wanted to create a custom one for him.
We started with our vegan tan leather. Then, hand-stitched it with waxed cotton thread so it’ll hold up against 15-25 cards and cash. For Peter, we stamped “Work Hard” on the outside of the flap. And when you flip it up, the rest of the message is revealed on the inside.

PPL x MGCO Solid Cologne
Finally, a fragrance. We call it “Tradewinds.”
If you haven’t noticed, Peter McKinnon has another side to him. A pirate side. And “Tradewinds” refer to those east-west winds near the equator that push giant pirate ships.
This solid cologne has notes of ale (obviously), spices, and rose. It’s made with beeswax, jojoba oil, and other natural fragrances. Like all of our solid colognes, it’s packaged in a magnetic wood case with a brass inlay. But unlike our other solid colognes, this one features a custom design on the outside inspired by Peter’s Pirate Life.

In the end, Misc. Goods owner Tyler Deeb put it most appropriately in his note to everyone that purchased the collaboration.
"When Peter McKinnon asks you to collaborate on a project, you accept the opportunity without hesitation. It’s as simple as that. You don’t need to ask the questions that usually present themselves during a partnership because Peter has answered those questions over the course of his career. His approach is unique, his attention to detail is unparalleled, his craft is excellent and his transparent dedication to being good is undeniable. The only question left then is “what should we make?”.
I first met Peter almost 10 years ago after the launch of my first Kickstarter campaign. The project was for a re-drawn deck of playing cards and he, among others helped push me into the position I am in today. A designer who get’s to bring his nuanced, yet classic approach to the products you have in your everyday life.
Peter and I have never met in person (although we were so close once) — but his support for Misc. Goods over the years and his notes of encouragement along the way have no doubt shaped the company — and by extension, me.
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